Friday, February 1, 2008


There are days when you don't feel like doing your workout.
Some days, your bed is too soft, too comfortable to leave. Some days, deadlines--and your boss--are breathing down your neck. Other days, you just dread heading down to that dank, musty basement gym.

Here are four ways to stay inspired:

1) Reward yourself. Finish your workout and treat yourself to a magazine, a TV show, or some new songs for your iPod.
2) Set up a punishment for missing workouts. Skip the workout, put $20 into a jar to spend on home repairs. Make sure your spouse controls the jar.
3) Realize that the hardest part of the workout is often just getting there. Tell yourself, "I'll just go in and do one set of the first two exercises. Then I can go." You will end up doing the entire workout. Guaranteed.
4) Get social support. Become accountable to everyone in the Belly Off! forums. If you don't post your workouts, they'll demand to know why you've fallen off track. Online or offline, you need to get everyone on your side.

Karate is a great way to improve your mind, body and spirit. Traditional Japanese Goju Ryu Karate is available in Santa Monica. Please visit our website for more information:

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